
Paranormal Activity 3 Continued

                Ghosts, entities, and the unknown; are these just products of our wild imagination? Are these just things we make up because we are afraid of what we can’t see, or because we are bored in our routine lives? I have a couple of stories to tell you guys before we jump into our discussion of Paranormal Activity 3.
                The first story I would like to share with you is that of the black dog that I have seen around my house for some time, but recently it seemed to disappear. I would never feel threatened by this presence at all. It was almost like a comfort to see it, and it was validated more by my mother who also saw it. I think I have told you guys the full story once before but here it goes again. :D
                It was late one night and I was up studying for a midterm when from the corner of my eye I see this massive black dog turn the corner, at first I didn’t know what to do or how to react. But almost instinctively I stood up and walked around the corner in the hallway and nothing was there. So I decided it was just me being tired. And continued studying and finally feel asleep.
                The next night I saw it again but this time full on. I was walking into the kitchen from my bedroom when I saw my pet dog named Kodi was looking into the kitchen with his ears pointed up. I half expected my mom or sister to be in the kitchen as I rounded the corner but there was another black dog standing there almost see through and all it did was look up at me with very soft eyes, I could tell it wasn’t unkind at all, It was almost peaceful in nature . Then it just bounded past my dog and around the corner, where it disappeared from my sight.
                After that sighting I would see it every now and then but only briefly. It has been almost 6 months ago since the last time I’ve seen the “ghost dog”. What do you guys think it could be? I think it was my animal guide, or a totem animal (which I want to go into more with later on down the road). I would love to hear your guy’s stories on animal entities. As always stay scared.  

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